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Vincent Charles
Buckingham Business School, The University of Buckingham Buckingham MK18 1EG, United Kingdom
Tatiana Gherman
Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Northampton Northampton NN1 5PH, United Kingdom
Juan Carlos Paliza
WeMind, Lima, Peru
Received May 2018; Revised January 2019; Accepted March 2019
Measuring public sector productivity has never been an easy task and despite continuous efforts, no simple or single solution has been found. This seems to be mainly due to the intangible nature of public services and the complexity of public service outputs. Yet, in view of the contribution it makes to the economic performance of a country, every public organisation faces the challenge of improving its productivity. In this short paper, we evaluate the various definitions of productivity in view of their implications for public sector productivity measurement and then derive a comprehensive framework that integrates the various understandings and stakeholders. We further discuss the strategic implications for practice of the proposed framework. Our approach is theoretical, although we draw upon both theoretical and empirical research studies. The present effort contributes to the existing debate on the topic of public sector productivity enhancement and should be of interest to both researchers and practitioners alike.
Productivity, performance measurement, public sector organisations, strategy.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Charles, V., Gherman, T., & Paliza, J. C. (2019). Stakeholder Involvement for Public Sector Productivity Enhancement: Strategic Considerations. Public Enterprise, 24(1), 77-86.