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In cooperation with the Institute of Public Enterprise from Hyderabad, India, ICPE has organised a two week international Advanced Leadership Programme. The program commenced on 1 December 2014 and is attended by eight participants, of which four are faculty members of the Institute of Public Enterprise, a representative of the Office of the Commissioner for Technical Education in Hyderabad, and representatives of three Government of India public sector enterprises: National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd., and Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.

In the course of the training, the participants have attended several lectures by renowned faculty, paid study visits to Government of Slovenia offices, as well as field visits to selected Slovenian companies. The program focuses on the issues of good governance and management in the public sector, including, for instance, the latest developments in the field of e-Governance and public-private partnerships, situating the issues within the context of the European Union and the local market, supporting and strengthening the research and economic ties between India, Slovenia and other EU countries.