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In cooperation with Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), ICPE organized a two week overseas training program (05 – 14 May 2016) for Officers of the Government of India. The program, attended by 29 senior government officials of Government of India together with Ms. Geetha Nair, ISTM Course Director and Mr. Alisoor Narasimha Raghavan Narayanan, ISTM observer, commenced on Wednesday, 5th May at the ICPE headquarters. Dr. Anand N. Asthana, Director General, ICPE, welcomed the participants and the Ambassador of India to Slovenia Mr. Sarvajit Chakravarti gave an inaugural address.

In the two week program the participants were exposed to various administrative, economic and financial bodies of the Republic of Slovenia and have also visited Trieste and Venice in Italy and Vienna in Austria, where they visited the Austrian Parliament and the United Nations Office at Vienna, UNIDO, UNODC, OSCE, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and Smart City Vienna.
The program was completed on Saturday, 14th May, where the group received certificates of completion by Mr Nenad Stanković, Associate Course Director, ICPE.