International Center for Promotion of Enterprises

The ICPE, formerly known as the International Center for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries is an international organization based in Ljubljana, established in 1974 on the initiative of the United Nations and with the support of the Non-Aligned Movement.

Already in 1976, 30 Member States decided at the inaugural conference that the Center would become an intergovernmental organization whose activities  would  focus  on  research,  consultancy,  training,  mutual cooperation  and  the  exchange  of  practices  in  the  field  of  public enterprises and supporting its Member States in the implementation of the development of their national economies and growth.



The Assembly is the supreme organ of the Center and is composed of delegates representing the Member States of the Center. Its purpose is to:

  • formulate policy and lay down general guidelines for the work of the Center,
  • adopt mid-term and two-year programmes for work of the Center and evaluate its functioning, including financial operations,
  • determine the regular contributions of members in order to finance the adopted programme of work of the Center,
  • decide on amendments to the present Statute,
  • approve the rules of regulating the financial operations of the Center,
  • decide, on recommendations of the Council, on the admission of new members and observers,
  • elect members of the Council,
  • elect the Director General of the Center,
  • consider any other matters relating to the objectives and activities of the Center.


The role of the Council is to:

  • propose to the Assembly long-term and mid-term programmes of work of the Center and propose the financing of these programmes,
  • supervise the implementation of the accepted programmes and the functioning of the Center,
  • in collaboration with the Director General of the Center, adopt the measures necessary to implement the programme of work of the Center and to put into effect other conclusions and recommendations of the Assembly,
  • approve the annual budget of the Center presented by the Director General,
  • undertake necessary steps for timely and regular payment of membership contributions to the Center,
  • consider requests for admission of new members and submit recommendations to this effect to the Assembly,
  • examine the reports of the Director General on the functioning and activities of the Center,
  • call for special reports from the Director General when necessary,
  • adopt general regulations concerning the organisation, composition and terms of employment of the professional personnel of the Center and the conditions for cooperation with external experts,
  • approve the rules concerning the rights and duties of the administrative and technical staff of the Center,
  • perform any other function entrusted to it by the Assembly.

ICPE Directors-General


The Director General is the chief executive officer and legal representative of the Center with full powers to administer the Center according to instructions given by the Council.

The Director General is elected by the Assembly for a term of four years and may be re-elected for another term. DG’s deputies are elected by the Council for a term of three years.

Currently, the senior most officer of the ICPE is Executive Manager, David Tavželj.

Former ICPE Directors-General

  • Dr Žiga Vodušek, PhD (1975-1987)
  • Mr V.K. Dar (1987-1996)
  • Mr C.K. Modi (1996 – 2002)
  • Dr Benjamin Lukman, PhD (2002 – 2006)
  • Mr Priyadarshi Thakur (2006 – 2008)
  • Mr Štefan Bogdan Šalej (2009 – 2012)
  • Dr Anand N. Asthana, PhD (2015 – 2019)