Membership in the Center is open to all States. Membership becomes effective as soon as the applicant has deposited its instrument of ratification or acceptance of membership. ICPE currently has 14 Member States from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.



What is exact procedure to join ICPE and what should be the first step? Who from the country should react and how? Who is in ICPE responsible for this issue and with whom country has to communicate it?

In accordance with the Statute of ICPE States and Intergovernmental organizations may apply to become a member of the Center if they accept the statute and assume the obligations entailed by membership, including the payment of the regular membership.

Membership formality could be initiated by forwarding a request for it, i.e. an official letter from the competent Government authority informing ICPE of its desire to become a member of the Center. No other procedures are necessary. A formal request shall be sent to the Director-General of the Center.

The assembly of the Center shall take a decision on admission of the applicant, upon the recommendation of the Council of the Center.

Membership becomes effective as soon as the applicant has deposited its instrument of ratification or acceptance or approval of membership. The government of the Republic of Slovenia is the depository of the Statute of the Center.

Observer status may be conferred on States and International organizations by the assembly of the Center upon recommendation of the Council. The assembly has also the authority to invite other observers to participate in the work of the Center.

The Center has an affiliate membership scheme, in order to facilitate and promote contacts and cooperation with institutions, organizations and individual enterprises.

Observers and affiliate members shall be permitted to participate in the work of the Center withoutthe right to vote.

The Center may invite any institution and organization to participate in the activities of the center on an ad hoc basis.

Any member may withdraw from the Center one year after notifying the depository in writing of its decision to withdraw. A withdrawing member shall be obliged to pay contributions on a pro rata basis until such time as withdrawal becomes effective.



This document classifies Member States of the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (hereinafter: ICPE or Center) for regular minimum annual contributions for the financing of the Center.

All Member States are classified into five different groups based to the highest extent possible on the scale most recently employed by the United Nations. Per capita gross domestic product and population were also taken into consideration. In addition to these basic criteria, the special circumstances of each country and its economy were also weighted. Fixed assessed contribution is assigned to each group from I – V, by the following scale:


Scale1: ICPE membership contribution scale:

United Nations scale




(in USD)

0 – 0,010V10.000
0,011 – 0,020IV20.000
0,021 – 0,040III40.000
0,041 – 0,080II80.000


Following the above criteria classification of member states of ICPE is listed below:

Scale 2: Classification of Member States of ICPE

Member StateGDP per capita 2009Population 2009 (in mil)

United Nations scale


GroupContribution (in USD)
Bosnia and Herzegovina4,365.1993.9040.006V10.000
Congo, Dem. Rep.171.49664.7720.003V10.000
Congo, Rep.2,557.2923.7560.001V10.000
North Macedonia4,546.4252.0610.005V10.000
Sri Lanka2,084.86620.2420.016IV20.000

ICPE reserves the right to change the group for member states that considering objective parameters (such as level of public and foreign debt) has weaker/stronger payment power than UN scale shows.

Subject to the financial regulations of the ICPE, the Director-General, on behalf of the  Center, may accept voluntary contributions to the ICPE, including gifts, bequests and subventions, made to the ICPE by governments, intergovernmental or non-governmental organizations or other non-governmental sources, provided that the conditions attached to such voluntary contributions are consistent with the objectives and policies of the ICPE.

Unanimously adopted at the ICPE Council and Assembly session on September 7, 2011.