The International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) in partnership with GENIS, Interact4c, (International Association Connecting Technologies for Citizens ) and renowned IT providers are pleased to invite you to the round table on trends and developments of software solutions supporting centralized civil status registration to be held on 18th September 2014 at ICPE (Dunajska 104), Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The round table will present practical solutions which have been developed in ICPE Member state Slovenia and shall contribute to conclusions what models might be used for the development of systems of Civil Status Registration in developing countries, as well as what concrete practical experience might serve as a model for consideration of development of national instruments on civil registration. The panelists from governments, software developers and international organizations will present the practical experience as well as progress in this field. Please find the Background paper here.
Please find the summary report here.

9:20-11:00: Panel I: From paper files towards the best technical solutions in software development
Moderator: Ms. Alenka Prvinšek Persoglio, Vice President, Interact4C
9:20-9:35: Ms. Alenka Prvinšek Persoglio, Vice President, Interact4C: A historical overview of civil status registration in the continental legal system
9:35-9:45: Mr. Ivan Bizjak, former EU Director General for Justice and Home Affairs and Ombudsman: Civil Status Registration: Human Rights Aspects
9:45-10:00: Ms. Salima Alaoui, MORPHO:The way forward to the digital identity, full access to the services from anywhere in the world
10:00-10:20: Mr. Stane Stefančič, GENIS: The importance of e-civil status registration for the overall e-Government
10:20-10:30: Mr. Stane Stefančič, GENIS: Data protection and e-civil status registration – legal and technical safeguards
10:30-10:45: Mr. Boris Lipovšek, CETIS: The main elements of capacity for reliable document security- CETIS experience
10:45-11:00: Questions & Answers, Discussion
The objective of Panel I is to present the process of transition from hard copies and a partly IT-supported system of the register of population to the full e-Governance in this domain in Slovenia as well as in some other parts of the world. The panelists shall tackle the aspects of good co-operation between government and software development experts in designing the IT applications which shall optimize the procedures in the field of civil status. Furthermore, it will provide the evolution of data privacy safeguards from the 1990s onward including the high legal and technical standards which support the use of information on civil status in line with the agreed standards on data privacy.
11:00-11:30: Coffee break
11:30-13:00: Panel II: State and multilateral approach in the development of models of best practice
Moderator: Ms. Alenka Prvinšek Persoglio, Vice President, Interact4C
11:30-11:45: Ms. Nino Sanikidze, Officer for Research and Development, Secretariat of the State Commission for Migration Issues of Georgia: The challenges in the development of a modern system of civil status registration in Georgia
11:45-12:00: Mr. Trpe Stojanovski, PhD, Director of MARRI Centre Skopje: The multilateral cooperation of the Western Balkans States for the development of the standards for the establishment of identity and border police cooperation
12:00-12:05: Ms. Salima Alaoui, MORPHO: India experience (short movie presentation)
12:05-12:25: Ms. Nina Gregori, Deputy Director General, Internal Administrative Affairs, Migration and Naturalization Directorate, Ministry of the Interior, Republic of Slovenia: The Slovenian model of civil status registration and its relevance for the register of population as basis for the issuance of identity documents
12:25-12:45: Mr. Tadej Gabrijel, Ministry of the Interior, Republic of Slovenia: E-Social, 2013 UN awarded model of the best practice in access to social rights
12:45-13:00: Questions & Answers, Discussion
The objective of the Panel II is to provide the models of best practice as a response to the needs of the States to provide safe, reliable and effective services to their citizens; the panelists will present the challenges that the States faced when introducing the concept of modern, IT supported systems of registration and management of civil status. The state practice of Georgia, articulating the needs and gaps in the domain of the development of the CSR on one hand, and the experience of Slovenian peers on another, will present the solutions which have been developed by using the know-how of national experts. Furthermore, the regional cooperation in identifying the gaps and needs with the objective to develop common solutions for the development of a modern system of civil status data management in the Western Balkans may serve as a model that might be used also elsewhere.
14:20-15:00: Panel III: Concluding remarks
Moderator: Mr. Tomaž Rogelj, Executive Manager, ICPE
Mr. Stane Stefančič, GENIS,
Mr. Boris Lipovšek, CETIS
Ms. Salima Alaoui, MORPHO
Mr. Andrej Šter, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia
Ms. Alenka Prvinšek Persoglio, Interact4C
The objective of this last panel is to wrap up the main points of the presentations and discussions and identify possible models of cooperation platforms. In addition, the conclusions should also reveal the overall efforts of international actors to enable citizens’ fundamental rights in particular children’s rights in the areas where the systems of CSR is not in place (lack of birth registration), as well as to develop a solid basis for recording reliable vital and demographic statistics from the origin: the personal data on the civil status of the population of a given territory.
For any matters concerning logistical issues or the program please contact Mr. Tomaž Rogelj, ICPE Executive Manager at
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