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With the opening ceremony which took place on Sunday, 16 November 2014, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana the International Certificate program for the Women Executives (ICP-WX for short) of Central Public Sector Enterprises of India, which is organized and conducted in partnership of the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE), Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana (FELU) under the aegis of the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Government of India, has officially started.

The first two phases of the tailor-made ICP-WX program were already implemented during the two previous months at ASCI, Hyderabad. The third phase (lasting one month) is starting today at FELU.

The opening speech at the ceremony was delivered by Prof. Dr. Metka Tekavčič, FELU Dean, after which welcome speeches were delivered by Mr. Janez Podobnik, ICPE Acting Director General, H.E. Mr. Sarvajit Chakravarti, Ambassador of India to the Republic of Slovenia, and by the Program director, Prof. Dr. Nevenka Hrovatin. A special welcome address was delivered by Dr. Stanka Setnikar Cankar, Minister of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. The 23 participants of the ICP-WX were also given the opportunity to shortly present themselves.

The objective of the International Certificate Program is to help the women officers/executives of CPSEs enhance their competence and capacities to handle the management challenges better, and progress towards assuming leadership role responsibilities as well as to capacitate the public sector women executives/officers with structured, content-rich and practice oriented inputs in management areas. Accordingly, the program would provide adequate opportunities to the participants for good learning and gaining exposure to various managerial concepts, tools and techniques. It would facilitate their enriched performance in their organizations in scale, scope and specialization and would thus spur them to set higher benchmarks of performance excellence and forge ahead.

We wish all the participants successful and productive lectures and discussions as well as a pleasant stay in Ljubljana.