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Between 2 and 6 March 2015, Ms. Sara Arko, ICPE Project Manager for partnerships with ICPE member state India, visited Hyderabad, Telangana. She participated in the panel discussion on Disciplines, Collaborations, Think Tanks at the »Transformative Social Science Research« conference (, organized by ICPE’s partner organization IPE – Institute of Public Enterprise. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. R. K. Mishra, Director IPE, Shri R. P. Agarwal, former Secretary of Education, Prof. S. R. Hashim, Chairman of the Indian Association of Social Science Institutions, Dr. Dhirendra Vajpayee, Dr. Reena Marwah, Senior Academic Consultant at the Indian Council of Social Science Research, and Dr. Jayasree Raveendran, Conference Convenor, IPE. Ms. Arko presented a paper on ICPE’s historic role as a think tank of the developing countries and prospects for future collaboration between its member states in the transfer of experience, knowledge and technology, underlining the importance of applied social sciences and humanities in international development cooperation. During her visit to Hyderabad, Ms. Arko met with several representatives of some of ICPE’s key partner organizations in India, with the aim of assessing past collaboration and outlining future joint activities. She held fruitful discussions with the IPE, NISG – National Institute for Smart Government, ASCI – Administrative Staff College of India, IIPA – Indian Institute of Public Administration, NI-MSME – National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and IMI – International Management Institute.