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Training program on the Modern IT Supported System of Central Civil Registration

The International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) is hosting a professional training program on the Modern IT Supported System of Central Civil Registration, Slovenia, between March 15 and March 24, 2015. The program is financed by the Directorate of International Development and Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.

The main goal of the training program is to present and share the Slovenian experiences and good practices in the field of modern IT supported system of central civil status registration. Slovenia is recognized for its awarded modern IT supported system of central civil status registration which uses the highest standards of data protection. The training will thus provide expertise to develop modern systems using new technologies.

The participants will have meetings with the officials of the Government of Slovenia and its agencies, field visits and meetings with the experts in the field of modern IT supported system of central civil status registration.

The program lecturers will in interactive manner in cooperation with participants prepare a rapid assessment of system of central civil status registration in order to know the current situation, identify the gaps and provide some recommendations for future.

Participants were warmly welcomed by Ms. Irena Mramor, Minister Plenipotentiary, Department for International Development Cooperation Implementation and Humanitarian Assistance, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (speech), by Mr. Janez Podobnik, ICPE Acting Director General (speech) and by Mr. Tomaž Rogelj, ICPE Executive Manager.