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On the invitation of Director, Energy Branch, UNIDO, DG, ICPE attended Vienna Energy Forum with a view to contribute to making headway in the discussions about the benefits of sustainable energy to the Post-2015 development process. The forum offered an appropriate opportunity to emphasis multiple benefits the sustainable agenda and best practices and actions on the ground.

The three-day major international event with a thematic focus on “Sustainable Energy for Inclusive Development” brought together high-ranking government officials from all the member countries of ICPE as also experts in the field from partner organisations of ICPE. Many eminent experts including Professor Dr. Pavel Kabat, Director General and CEO of the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Vienna expressed interest in forging partnership with ICPE. DG, ICPE Dr Anand Asthana accompanied by Mr Nenad Stanković, ICPE representative engaged in a multi-stakeholder dialogue on pivotal sustainable energy issues connected to inclusive development, including partnerships, finance, policy, technology, capacity building and knowledge management including issues like:

  • What are the main benefits of sustainable energy to inclusive development and productive capacities?
  • What are the main drivers of the increasing energy demand across sectors and how can these be addressed in an integrated way?
  • How can we strengthen the potential of sustainable energy so that it results in concrete actions supporting the Post-2015 Development and the Climate Agenda?
  • What are the areas of greatest potential in energy efficiency, and what can be done to accelerate action and investment in energy efficiency, the ‘hidden fuel’ that has some of the most promising prospects to advance the goals of climate security and sustainable growth?
  • Which innovative financing mechanisms can we use to promote renewable energy systems? How do we scale up investments in renewable energy technologies to meet the SE4ALL goals?
  • How do we energize multi-stakeholder partnerships, private sector involvement and regional cooperation to promote sustainable energy for all?
  • How can the nexus perspective be operationalized to support integrated approaches to energy, water, food, ecosystems and human health?

During his intervention Dr. Anand Asthana highlighted the fact that on the one hand there is an information overload in the field of Energy efficiency, in other areas there are huge gaps in knowledge. For instance in case of energy efficiency in agriculture in ICPE African member countries it is difficult to find research papers in ISI accredited research journals. He emphasized the need for substantial additions to the storehouse of knowledge through research that is theoretically adequate, empirically valid and policy effective.

dr. Anand Asthana, DG, ICPE at Vienna Energy Forum