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After a gap of eight long years, the Government of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is taking up its rightful place as an active member of ICPE. The Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro and to international organisations in Vienna HE Mr. A.L.A. Azeez handed over documents relating to membership fee to DG, ICPE, dr. Anand Asthana. The occasion was graced by the presence of Academician Dr. Anton Vratuša, Honorary President of ICPE, H.E. Ms Blanka Jamnišek, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the International Organisations in Vienna, Dr. Pradeep Monga, Director, Energy Branch, UNIDO and Mr Nenad Stanković, ICPE representative in Vienna.

Ambassador Azeez explained that his government places high priority to small and medium enterprise (SME) development and considers ICPE as an ideal platform for promotion of SMEs. On behalf of ICPE, the Honorary President and the DG assured him that ICPE will use the expertise available with UNIDO as also with member countries across four continents to contribute to efforts of Sri Lanka in this sector. ICPE also offered internships to students from Sri Lanka. Ambassador Azeez invited the DG to visit Sri Lanka and offered to select key institutions in Sri Lanka for fruitful collaboration. The visit is scheduled for October, 2015.

Ambassador of Sri Lanka handing over documents to DG, ICPE