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On July 21, 2015 Honorary President Academician Dr Anton Vratuša and DG Dr Anand Asthana accompanied by senior executives of ICPE met with the President of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) Dr Tadej Bajd. Academy was founded in 1938 is successor to the Academia Operosorum which was founded in Ljubljana in 1693. It was recalled that the existence of this élite institution in Ljubljana was a major factor that weighed in the mind of the then UN Secretary General Mr U Thant who favoured Ljubljana over Zagreb and Belgrade as the seat for ICPE. In the initial years of its existence the support of the Academy was crucial to the survival of ICPE. ICPE thanked the Academy for providing facilities to ICPE Honorary President. The Academy will also consider joining ICPE in a programme of public lectures.

Next day on July 22, 2015 when the Prime Minister of Slovenia HE Dr Miro Cerar visited the Academy, President of SASA, Academician Tadej Bajd informed the Prime Minister about the previous day’s visit from ICPE team and the support ICPE requires from the Government of Slovenia. The head of the Social Sciences Department, Academician Prof. Slavko Splichal presented the importance of ICPE to Slovenia as the only intergovernmental organisation in the country. ICPE acts as a hub, which is bringing together knowledge from different parts of the world and is as the same time a network, which can ensure important support to internationalization of national economies. Academician Slavko Splichal is convinced the Prime Minister that the government could, with assistance of SASA, make better use of ICPE’s potential and capabilities by maintaining mutual dialogue.

Prime Minister Dr. Miro Cerar agreed that this is a matter of exceptional imporance and said that the government at his level will establish a dialogue with ICPE.