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The International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) has released the 27th volume of the journal Public Enterprise. This edition encapsulates the dynamic and diverse nature of public enterprise management, bridging traditional methodologies with the demands of the modern world.

Comprising five articles from Australia, Canada, India, Peru and Europe, the volume delves into the interplay of traditional practices and cutting-edge technologies. It explores the transformative potential of quantitative research and confronts the challenges of equitable access to essential resources. The articles stand as a testament to the journal’s commitment to advancing discourse in public enterprise management, offering theoretical insights and practical implications.

The articles cover a range of topics, including the infusion of machine learning in executive decision-making and the critical role of public enterprises in food security. These contributions deepen the understanding of the challenges and opportunities in public enterprise management.

As the journal moves forward, it aims to inspire new conversations and further research, contributing to the evolution of public enterprise management in a way that benefits both academia and society at large.
We invite our readers to download the latest edition here.