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On 18 November 2014 the second edition of the course on sustainable energy solutions jointly organized by the International Center for Promotion of Enterprises (ICPE) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organizations (UNIDO) started in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

This year’s edition bearing the title »Sustainable Energy Solutions: Technologies, Trends and Policy Options« is a 9-day course designed to provide participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the current and expected trends in sustainable energy solutions and to reflect on practical, innovative and cost effective ways to address sustainability problem within the energy industry and energy systems.

During the introductory session welcome remarks were delivered by Janez Podobnik, Acting Director General (ICPE), by Jacek Cukrowski, Chief (Institute for Capacity Development, UNIDO) and by Tonilyn Lim, Industrial Development Officer (Energy and Climate Change Branch, UNIDO).

Janez Podobnik presented the past and current activities implemented by ICPE focusing on the ICPE’s long-term cooperation with the United Nations Organization in general and UNIDO in particular, as well as on the ICPE’s interest in addressing the issues of sustainable development.

Jacek Cukrowski shortly described the mission of the Institute for Capacity Development – as one of the key organizers of the course – which focuses on sustainable industrial development by promoting extended capacity building through knowledge sharing; training and education; joint research; policy dialogue and strategic networking and partnership.

Tonilyn Lim offered and detailed overview of the goals as well as contents of the 9-day course by explaining the rationales of the course design and particular structure that tackles the main global energy challenges and opportunities and the nexus between energy and climate change, giving the opportunity to understand energy issues from a multidimensional point of view, concentrating on best practice cases in energy policy, technology availability and effective financing options.

The session ended with the introduction of the 25 course participants.