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On Tuesday, 22 March 2016, DG, ICPE, Dr Anand Asthana held a meeting with the Head of European Commission Representation in Slovenia, Dr Zoran Stančič in ICPE headquarters.

During the fruitful discussion new areas of possible cooperation were identified and Dr Stančič expressed the support of the European Commission Representation in Slovenia for developing new programmes and trainings that would enable institutions within ICPE member states to get acquainted with the policy measures and good practices within the European Union. ICPE will explore the existing opportunities, especially in the field of development aid and ERASMUS+ programme, both of which intertwine with the ICPE’s mission.

DG, ICPE informed Dr Stančič that during the last few months ICPE has intensified its training activities, especially short term training programmes (5 in the last 6 months) and will strive to include more exposure to EU institutions which would be mutually beneficial for ICPE and the participants of the training courses . Dr Stančič assured DG, ICPE that the EC Represenation in Slovenia will provide their support when European Union and its institutions would be included in ICPE programmes in the future.