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International Center for Promotion of Enterprises in cooperation with Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Club of Former Slovenian Ambassadors, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and International African Forum organized the 5th annual international conference Africa Days, which took place between 25th and 26th May in Ljubljana.

The conference aimed to address the issues and opportunities regarding the development of African continent. Annual conference will be attended by the representatives of political, business, academic and cultural sphere of African and European countries, as well as the members of the Diplomatic corps.

First day of the event took place at ICPE headquarters, starting with the opening ceremony and welcome address by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, his Excellency dr. Milan Brglez. The ceremony was followed by three panels, dedicated to demographics and development of African cities and rural environment, regional integrations in Africa and business cooperation, as well as the challenges of the Slovenian cooperation with the African continent. The second day took place place in Hotel Lev and has addressed the opportunities of strengthened business cooperation between Slovenia and African countries. The conference has been complemented with a broad cultural and academic program.

For more information, see the programme here.